Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Wonders of Mangosteen

Yesterday our neighbor gave us a bunch of Mangosteen Fruit, Its a purple fruit that looks like guava outside (it has a crown like at the top of it) but looks like santol inside. It tastes better than guyabano.

I did some research about it.

Mangosteen is a tropical fruit found in southeast Asia. It has been included among an emerging category of novel functional foods called "Superfruits" presumed to have a combination of

1. Appealing subjective characteristics, such as taste, fragrance and visual qualities
2. Nutrient richness
3. Antioxidant strength
4. Potential impact for lowering risk against human diseases

It has Xanthones, an antioxidant to balance free radicals in our body. Free radicals are potentially harmful, yet oftentimes natural substances in your body that, when left free reign, build up and cause diseases like cancer, heart disease, and more.

The xanthones function to travel through your body, literally mopping up the free radicals on their way, leaving your body cleaner and healthier than before.

Some of the most important xanthones found in mangosteen include:

Garcinone A
Garcinone C
Garcinone D

These, among other xanthones, have been touted by independent researchers to have properties to include antiinflammatory, anticonvulsant, antiallergic, antitumor, and antiplatelet, to name just a few.

For more info about Mangosteen and xanthone visit

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